Infographics – SDG10: Reduced Inequalities
Fast Facts – SDG10: Reduced Inequalities

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SDG10 Open Educational Resources

1. SDG10 ConveRACEions

– Nội dung: Dự án do các nghiên cứu sinh tiến sĩ tại Khoa Khoa học Xã hội thuộc Đại học Edinburgh thành lập. Hợp tác với Rosie Stenhouse, Điều phối viên Bình đẳng và Đa dạng, sáng kiến ​​này nhằm mục đích thảo luận và xóa bỏ rào cản đối với bình đẳng chủng tộc, cũng như các cách thức tiến lên phía trước.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

2. SDG10 Christian Muslim relations

– Content: A four-week course introducing academic research on the relationship between Christianity and Islam at the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. The lectures are designed to supplement the content provided in the course and discuss important historical moments, encouraging viewers to compare teachings from both the Bible and the Quran, and begin to explore theological debates concerning the relationship between Christianity and Islam.

– Format: Video.

–  Access here.

3. SDG10 ISG International Women’s day 2021 resource list

– Content: A reading list consisting of books, articles, and essays aimed at empowering women in the digital age and shedding light on women’s online experiences.

– Format: Document.

– Access here.

4. SDG10 ISG Antiracist reading list

– Content: This anti-racism reading list was created by Victoria Madden, Digital Safety Support Officer, and Lilinaz Rouhani, Data and Equality Officer, with input from colleagues in the Information Services Group at the University of Edinburgh.

– Format: Document.

– Access here.

5. SDG10 Decolonising and diversifying the curriculum with OER

– Content: A seminar exploring the significance of decolonisation and diversifying the curriculum with EUSA’s Vice President for Education, Diva Mukherji. The seminar will also provide insights into how to create, utilize, and share Open Educational Resources (OER), which can be a pathway towards diversifying and expanding curriculum materials.

– Format: Document.

– Access here.

6. SDG3 HIV/AIDS Online resource for teachers

– Content: The Lothian Health Services Archive (LHSA) website is rich in educational resources, images, and audiovisual materials from HIV/AIDS collections recognised by UNESCO (1983-2010).

– Target audience: Teachers and education professionals.

– Format: Documents, images, videos.

– Access here.

7. SDG10 LGBT Healthcare 101

– Content: These resources were created as part of a project aimed at addressing the lack of awareness and knowledge regarding LGBT+ health, as well as the necessary sensitivity needed to treat LGBT patients as valuable skills for qualified healthcare professionals.

– Format: Documents and videos.

–  Access here.

8. SDG10 Openness Equality and Inclusion OERs

– Content: A collection of resources focused on openness, equality, and inclusivity developed by the Open.Ed service.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

9. SDG10 Mental Health a global priority

– Content: This introductory course provides an overview of the importance of mental health and presents evidence of global mental health inequalities, as well as how mental health is conceptualised across diverse cultures and traditions worldwide. It also examines how stigma and discrimination have adversely affected individuals with mental health conditions, and how various communities, services, and partnerships can collaborate to enhance care and provide contextually appropriate support and therapies.

– Format: Podcast.

– Access here.

10. SDG10 Can architecture be decolonised? Lecture and discussion

– Content: The series of public lectures ESALA (Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture) 2021-22 focuses on two interconnected themes: Community and Climate Crisis. This lecture series reflects the climate emergency, linking environmental pollution to issues of colonialism, racism, forced migration, and systems of injustice.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

11. SDG10 Legal for 40 years: A snapshot from someone who was there – Staff Pride Network

– Content: The event ‘Legal for 40 Years: A Snapshot from Someone Who Was There’ discusses Terry’s career, including his involvement in the gay equality campaign during the 1970s and the events leading to his co-founding of GLAD (Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders).

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

12. SDG10 Queer in AI seminar

– Content: The seminar introducing and discussing “Queer in AI” has been established by scientists with the mission of transforming the AI community into a safe and inclusive space that welcomes, supports, and values LGBTQIA+ individuals.

– Format: Video.

– Access here

13. SDG10 How to be a good (LGBTQ) ally

– Content: This is a fun, engaging, and informative event organised by the Edinburgh University Staff Pride Network, taking place on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia in 2021: Discussion on how to become a good ally in the LGBT+ community both at work and in society; Insightful tips on being a good ally; Useful pronoun tips that allies can use; Ways to get more involved.

– Format: Video.

–  Access here.

14. SDG10 Black LGBTQ+ Lives around the world

– Content: In this seminar, the aim is to share various experiences related to coming out, seeking community, and expressing LGBTQ+ identities as Black individuals in diverse global contexts, highlighting the joys and intersecting struggles that the Black LGBTQ+ community has faced and continues to face.

– Format: Video.

–  Access here.

15. SDG10 OER for Disability Pride Month

Content: Consider other disabilities, how to make it into an accessible format, as well as the main barriers and aspects of misinformation.

– Format: Document.

– Access here.

16. SDG10 Decolonising and Diversifying the Library

Content: A series of workshops themed “Decolonising and Diversifying Libraries” will include discussions on: examining the diversity of authors listed in the reading list for first-year undergraduate courses across five law schools in Scotland; exploring the collection of books and artist publications at the ECA Library; and diversifying your reading from the perspective of students.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

17. SDG10 LGBT+ History Month 2023

– Content: The University of Edinburgh’s Employee Pride Network has promoted a range of activities and events throughout LGBT+ History Month in February 2023. This is a collection of four open-licensed recordings from some of those fantastic events.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

18. SDG10 Synesthesia, neurodiversity & identity

– Content: As part of Disability History Month 2023, the University of Edinburgh’s Pride Network and the Disabled Staff Network are organising an event focused on the intersection of sensory experiences, neurodiversity, and identity.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

19. SDG10 Cisinformed: Disinformation and the Media War on Transgender Rights

– Content: This talk explores the content, context, and consequences of misinformation in the media regarding transgender issues and identities in both the USA and the UK. It discusses the personal and social origins of belief in such misinformation. Furthermore, the talk addresses the role of misinformation in the political strategies of anti-trans movements, why these strategies are effective, and what can be done to mitigate the influence of misinformation on policy and public opinion.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

20. SDG10 Life in the UK as a migrant

– Content: This test includes some of the more unusual questions from the UK Life in the UK test, which you must complete as part of your application for British citizenship or settlement in the UK. You will be guided through the process and will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with members who have undergone this process at the University of Edinburgh.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

21. SDG10 Archiving Gaps: Reading Zimbabwe and The Internet

– Content: Discussing significant reflections on the preservation of gaps. Addressing questions related to methodology, history, and epistemology when constructing a digital database of books published in Zimbabwe since 1956.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

22. SDG10 Scotland, Slavery and Black History – Wikipedia in the Classroom

– Content: Enhance public understanding of the history of Black people in Scotland and provide greater insight into Scotland’s profound connections to the Atlantic slave trade.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

23. SDG10 ConveRACEions with EUSA Liberation Officers

– Content: Discuss and dismantle barriers to racial equality, as well as ways of moving forward.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

24. SDG10 Equality, Diversity, Inclusion training for staff

– Content: The EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) competency must encompass an understanding of how social differences—based on race, gender, class, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion, and other social identities—impact lived experiences. Additionally, individuals should possess the skills and confidence to enact this understanding in their relationships and actions. The discussion aims to highlight some responsibilities related to equality, diversity, and inclusion when working with students.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

25. SDG10 Geographies of Impulse: Tourette Syndrome and the embodied experience of public space(s)’

– Content: Document the series of workshops on literary creation and magazine production, where participants discuss and create new works in response to the experiences of the LGBT+ community as reflected in the Switchboard archive.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

26. SDG10 LHSA – Speaking Out

– Content: Document the series of workshops on literary creation and magazine production, where participants discuss and create new works in response to the experiences of the LGBT+ community as reflected in the Switchboard archive.

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

27. SDG10 Coloniality of Data

– Content: Lectures on the Data Colonies consider questions such as what makes society inclusive? How do data practices describe, amplify, or confront issues of marginalisation and inequalit?

– Format: Video.

– Access here.

28. SDG10 World AIDS Day 2022: Sam Moore, The Farewell Symphony

– Content: Event: Farewell Symphony and a new talk by Sam Moore – a writer, artist, and editor whose works have influenced a new generation of artists and provided a creative response to the enduring political legacy of the HIV/AIDS crisis.

– Format: Video.

– Access here