NTTU Library with lifelong learning activities

Over the years, in addition to serving the learning, teaching, and research of students and lecturers in the school, NTTU Library has always focused on lifelong learning activities for the community. NTTU Library has created conditions for readers outside the school to exploit and use the library for free. NTTU Library resources that readers outside can exploit to serve lifelong learning include:

Library space and facilities: Readers coming to NTTU Library facilities can use group study rooms, self-study, computers, the internet, conference rooms, and other facilities like any other readers in the school.

Print and electronic document sources: Currently, the Library has about 100,000 prints and more than 30,000 electronic documents in many fields, such as science and technology, health science, economics, education, culture, construction architecture, etc. Readers outside the school can access and use these document sources to serve their study and research.

Domestic and international databases, NTTU Library has a diverse domestic and international database system, in addition to databases accessed by IP, NTTU Library also has online document sources that readers do not need to log in to access.

Open educational resources, readers can explore and exploit open educational resources built by NTTU Library and collected from open educational resources around the world at

Experiential activities, NTTU Library always supports organizations outside the school, including students and teachers from high schools to experience and use the library. In the 2022-2023 school year, NTTU Library welcomed 2,873 readers outside the school to study, research, and experience at NTTU Library and 12,374 document downloads:

  • See statistics on the number of times serving readers outside the school: Here
  • See statistics on the number of document downloads: Here

Readers, please contact NTTU Library for support:

Photos of students visiting and experiencing NTTU Library

Source: Library and Information Center

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